Colter Reed

Are Your Habits Easy Enough to Help You Succeed?

The bottle on the left is mouthwash. So is the bottle on the right.

The difference is that the bottle on the left tastes like it’s trying to kill me.

I’m trying to use mouthwash more consistently. Whenever it’s time to rinse, all I can think of is the impending flavor of doom and sadness.

This did not make using mouthwash a pleasant experience. I could make myself do it, but it used way too much willpower. It caused friction.

Friction isn’t good unless you’re trying to keep things from sliding around. Friction will keep you from installing a new habit.

Instead, you need traction. Traction moves you forward. Traction lets you move around obstacles and get back on track.

To develop a new habit, it needs to be:

When we identify a new habit, it’s easy to get carried away imagining what our new life is going to be like. We forget that growth takes time. We get excited and try changing too much, too quickly.

It’s good to be excited about your goals. If you aren’t excited, you’re probably going to lose interest. Stack the deck in your favor. Pick small goals that will point you in the right direction. Read a page a day. Run five minutes on the treadmill. Lose one pound a week (taking December off).

Success could be as simple as changing your mouthwash.

Question: What habit could you make even easier? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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