Colter Reed

Your Best Year Ever

Every January 1, millions of us set resolutions to improve ourselves. The biggest areas are our health, our finances, and our relationships. Maybe it’s because we just spent December eating too much, spending more than we should have, and reflecting on the people that mean the most to us.

And by January 7, almost 30% of us have blown it. Barely half of New Year’s resolutions make it to Valentine’s Day. Last year, we took fewer than 10% of our resolutions across the finish line.


Now some of you may be thinking, “That’s because they’re New Year’s resolutions. We should be setting goals!” And you’re right. In order to improve our lives, we need more impetus than “It’s January 1 and I’ve been eating too much junk food this week.” (Brace yourself—bowl games are coming.) What we need is a system for setting goals that we’re actually going to follow through on.

In Your Best Year Ever, New York Times bestselling author and productivity guru Michael Hyatt will teach you how to set goals that stick. It’s the process that he uses. It’s the process that thousands of students have learned in his best-selling online course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever, and gone on to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, start their own business, launch new careers, repair their marriages, and get in the best shape of their lives.

There are three things about his approach that I really like:

There’s a lot of good stuff in here. Like any book, you can skim across the surface and not get anything out of it. If you go deep and actually do the exercises, you can make this your best year ever.

Michael also offers this material as a course on goal setting, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever. The self-paced online video format is a pleasure to watch—Michael is a very engaging speaker and it’s easy to feel like it’s one-on-one coaching. An online community is also available, where you can ask questions, discuss problems, and share support when the going gets tough. You can also sign up for a two-day live (in-person) training.

Registration for 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever is only open in December. If you’re interested in knowing more, you can sign up for my newsletter and I’d be happy to let you know the next time it’s available.

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