Colter Reed

Can Your Watch Answer These Practical Questions?

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / bramgino

One of the hot topics in personal computing today is wearables, specifically smart watches (other ideas haven’t really taken off).

I got an Apple Watch when they were first released. I had some specific ideas of how it could help me get more done with less friction. Other uses would present themselves as I got used to it and new apps were released.

It didn’t take long before my Watch was an integral part of my productivity system. Here are the top eleven questions I’ve started using my Watch to answer as I go through my day.

Most of this functionality is possible with your phone, but the Watch makes it more convenient. Some features, the Watch makes possible (like heart rate monitoring).

Think about that for a second. On your wrist, you’ve got the equivalent functionality of:

(Okay, I’m stretching on the last one. What’s something that’s good at finding things? A metal detector? A long piece of string? My kids are pretty good at finding my phone when I’ve set it down.)

Some people wonder what the point of having a smartwatch is when they already carry a smartphone. The watch extends the phone. It adds new abilities and makes others more natural. They work together to expand what you can do.

That’s the important consideration when looking at any new productivity tool. It’s easy to get caught up chasing after the latest shiny piece of tech. The question you need to ask yourself is how it will help you be more productive. What will it let you do more quickly with less effort? That’s the important question.

Question: Do you own an Apple Watch? What’s your favorite use for it? If you don’t own one, what use are you most curious about? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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