Colter Reed

Five Ways to Boost Your Productivity with a Keyboard

Photo courtesy of @ Adobe Stock / Brian Jackson

For more and more of us, computers are an integral part of our daily life and a key component of how we get things done.

We send emails. We surf the web. We post to Facebook. We tweet. We write. We code. We chat. We journal. We pay the bills. We send invoices. We learn. We research.

Personal computing took off in 1984, when Apple released the Macintosh and brought the mouse to everyday users. Graphic user interfaces were revolutionary, but if you want to maximize your proficiency with the computer, using the mouse/trackpad isn’t enough.

You need to know how to use the keyboard.

Here are five ways that using the keyboard will help you be more productive on the computer.

Your mouse is good at some tasks, especially if they’re spatial. Graphical user interfaces revolutionized the way we use computers because they made some very complex tasks easier and enabled some things you just couldn’t do before. Can you imagine using MacPaint with just the keyboard?

The keyboard and mouse are both tools for user input. They both have their uses. For anything involving text, the keyboard wins, hands down.

Question: How do you increase your productivity at the keyboard? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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