Colter Reed

Focusing on the Visible Horizons

Photo courtesy of © iStockPhoto / Pgiam

When I was in college, I spent a lot of time driving Interstate 80 across Wyoming. I knew every dip and rise. I knew where the highway patrol usually hung out. I knew where I would need to switch radio stations to pick up the next Wyoming Public Radio affiliate, and where the dead zones were. When Audible came on the scene, it really helped to smooth those out.

One trick I developed was to break the trip into horizons. At the top of one ridge, where I could see for several miles, I’d start tracking the distance to the next horizon. Some of them were short and could be travelled in two or three minutes. The longer ones would take twenty or thirty. I developed a sincere appreciation for the ’78 Pontiac Phoenix that was whisking me quickly through the elements that 19th-century pioneers trudged through.

Breaking up the drive like that helps keep it manageable and make it go by more quickly. Breaking up the work ahead of you the same way will help you stay on top of things and not get overwhelmed, but you do need to keep the whole route in mind.

At twenty thousand feet, things look very different than from behind the wheel. Taking time to view things at twenty, thirty or even fifty thousand feet gives you a different perspective. You can see every hill you’re coming up against, and it helps you see just how small some of the hills really are.

Once you know what the road ahead looks like, you can plan for it. Things won’t go according to plan—they never do—but you will be better prepared to handle what comes along. Enjoy the scenery.

Question: How do you keep the big picture in mind while working day-to-day? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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