Colter Reed

Hello There

They say that good software makes the impossible possible and the easy elegant. Or something like that.

I write software. I see it as a way to help bring out the best in people by giving them tools to do things they otherwise couldn’t do. (Technology is great that way.) What you do with that newfound ability or the time it frees up is another question entirely, and one I want to help people answer someday.

Somewhere out there is a poster with Garfield and Odie sitting on a tree branch. The caption is something along the lines of “Don’t tell me what I can’t do—I may not notice and do it anyway.” I love how simply it encourages you to look past what you may have been told is possible. Build the life you want. Ignore the voices who say it can’t be done. Do what you love and you will be great at it.

I wish you luck, love, and laughter. And if you’re the person from whom I first heard that trio: thanks.

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