Colter Reed

How to be Productive Working from Home

Ease the transition from corporate office to home office with simple steps.

Photo courtesy of ©Photo Stock/Milica

There are a lot of benefits to working from home. You spend less time commuting, it’s easier to make mid-day appointments that are closer to home, and you don’t exchange germs with your coworkers.

Whether it’s a long-term arrangement or some random Thursday so you can sign for a package, working from home has its unique challenges. Offices are optimized for work. Homes are optimized for… well, everything else.

Working remotely can a difficult path to navigate, especially when it sneaks up on you. Here are some tips to help you transition from the corporate office to the home office.

You can put up with anything for a few days. The situation may not be ideal, but you’ll make it. Don’t overthink it and don’t blow the budget gearing up.

If you’re going to be working from home long-term, this may be an occasion to gear up. See what your company will pay for or reimburse you for. Buy new gear incrementally, as you see what you need and what you can get by without.

Put some thought into your setup for working from home. Whether you’re on the clock or not, you’re going to be spending a lot of time there.

Question: What advice do you have for someone who’s working remotely? This is an article I’d love to update over time. Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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