Colter Reed

How to Plan for Life Hitting You in the Face

When lands a punch, bounce back up with proven strategies.

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock/fotokitas

“How do you plan for life hitting you in the face?”

(What a great way to preface the question.)

What followed was an all-too-familiar lament.

Every week, I make a plan for the week, but by Tuesday, I’m completely off-course. Last week, my first-grader got sent home sick. I spent the next three days just taking care of him. I got nothing else done! How do you plan for this kind of disruption?

The short answer is, you don’t. There are too many variables to control for.

You create your plan for the week. If everything goes according to plan, you’ll have an amazing week. Even if you only get 80% of it done, you’ll still be in great shape.

Now, for how many different contingencies do you think you’re able to accurately plan? I once heard someone describe being proactive as the art of worrying about everything that hasn’t gone wrong yet. Even if you try to plan for things that might maybe go wrong, you’ll probably just get the details wrong and end up disrupted anyway.

Fortunately, there are still some things you can do make sure that you don’t go down for the count when life starts throwing punches.

Have your plan in place. Work it until you’re done, you finish, or something interrupts you. Whatever you do, don’t freeze up, fearing what might happen. That’s an especially debilitating form of analysis paralysis.

When interruptions come—and come, they will—you have to make a decision. Should you change course and pursure this new opportunity? Or do you stay your course? Sometimes, the best days are the ones we didn’t plan for.

Question: If what you’ve already done today were all you’d get done today, how would you feel? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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