Colter Reed

How To Set Yourself Up For A Miserable Day

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / peshkova

The way a lot of people approach their day, you’d think they were going out of their way to be miserable. They’re not. They’re doing the best they can. We all are.

None of us are quite at the level we want to be at. Whatever level we’re at, we’re trying to improve.

Sometimes, we don’t think we can do any better than we currently are. We try to learn a new productivity skill and a part of our brain rejects it. Taking the direct approach, our own subconscious can undermine our efforts. Sometimes, it helps to look at the problem from a different angle.

In that spirit, here are some common productivity tips turned inside-out. DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME! If you do any of these, you’re making things harder for yourself. If you do them all, you’re definitely going to set yourself up for a miserable day.

I don’t know about you, but my heart is up in my throat just reading that.

I have seen people do every one of those things. I’ve done every one of those things in the name of Productivity.

But that isn’t being productive. Productivity scales. Being busy doesn’t scale. You can always find ways to leverage your time through delegation (this is how and why companies grow). You can only squeeze 24 hours of busyness out of a day, and you’re going to be miserable doing it.

Question: What are you going to do to make today better than yesterday? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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