Colter Reed

Is YNAB Really Better than a Simple Spreadsheet?

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / axynia

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Is it worth it to sign up for a service like YNAB to create a budget? Or can you get by just fine setting up your own ledger in a spreadsheet?

Sort answer, yes. And yes.

For thousands of years, businesses and individuals have been tracking what they earn and spend on paper, clay tablets, and bee’s wax. In fact, the oldest known written document is a 5,000-year-old shopping receipt for clothes.

These people all got by without YNAB. That doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t consider using a specialized tool for the job. Technological advances make the impossible possible and the difficult easier.

So while it’s perfectly possible to implement an envelope-based budget system on paper to plan and track your spending, there are several reasons why YNAB makes the experience better.

If you want to develop your own spreadsheet, you don’t have to faithfully reproduce every feature. The YNAB team has spent a lot of time refining and fixing what the app does. (This is their day job, after all.)

No app is perfect. There are some valid reasons why you may prefer to craft your own spreadsheet that suits you.

You can absolutely plan and track your spending using just a spreadsheet. (In fact, YNAB originally was a spreadsheet.) You can create exactly the reports you want to see. You have full control.

That control does come at a price, though. You’ll spend time to set up and maintain the system, and you could spend that time doing something else. If it contains a mistake, you’re the one that has to notice it and fix it.

The question you need to ask yourself is whether you want to spend the time developing a custom spreadsheet or go with an off-the-shelf solution that’s good enough—and honestly, quite great.

The important thing is that you create a written budget every month and plan your spending ahead of time. (Yes, “writing” digitally counts.) Being intentional about your spending is one of the strongest indicators of how successful you will be with money.

Question: Do you plan your spending with an app like YNAB or with your own spreadsheet? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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