Colter Reed

Put the Big Rocks at the Top of Your List

Photo courtesy of © Colter Reed

One of the rites of passage when my sisters and I started seventh grade was getting our own planner. Our parents would take us down to the Franklin Quest store and let us pick out our own binder and pages. In addition to the standard kit, we would also get the student pack, which had special forms for tracking homework assignments and class schedules.

We would sit down and plan the week as a family each Sunday night. I learned the importance of daily planning by watching my parents set aside a few minutes early in the morning to review the day. They showed us how to see the day in the context of the week (and the week in context of the month, etc) and prepare not just for today but for the coming days, as well.

I don’t know how my sisters felt about it, but I absolutely loved it. Don’t get me wrong—I was still a teenager, and I would still procrastinate on homework, but the foundation they had laid allowed them to have different conversations than most parents probably do. “Can I go to the movies?” “Have you finished your A tasks for the day?” …and I knew they had me. And they knew it.

I used a Franklin planner from junior high until 2010, when the iPad was released. Now, my tools are (mostly) digital. Yours probably are, too. But a prioritized daily task list is still one of the most powerful tools you have to get things done.

First, select your tasks for the day. Management consultant Ivy Lee recommended selecting tomorrow’s tasks at the end of the day, but you can also do it first thing in the morning.

The Ivy Lee Method leaves you with an ordered list of tasks. Just work your way down the list. If this is enough for you to be productive, then just do that. Do the simplest thing that will get you the results you want.

If you’re still getting swamped, especially as you get interrupted and new tasks come in, assign ABC priorities to your tasks. First, go through each task on your list and assign it one of the following letters:

Recently, I’ve seen two more letters get added in. They’re a little tongue-in-cheeks, but they’re good to keep in mind as you’re doing this.

Now go back and look at your A tasks. Out of those tasks, which one is most important to get done? Put a 1 next to it. This is your A1 task. Which task is the next most important? Put a 2 next to it, and so on. Do the same for the B and C tasks.

Why spend the extra time to number your list like this? It comes down to two benefits:

Most of the work in creating your prioritized daily task list will be in coming up with the list of tasks itself. Prioritizing them shouldn’t take very long, and it can pay huge dividends in your productivity. Not only do you know what you need to be working on now and next, but it forces you to decide whether some tasks even need to be done or can be eliminated altogether.

Remember: a plan is nothing, but planning is everything (—Eisenhower). By taking a few minutes to plan your day before starting to work, you will be much better prepared for whatever comes.

Question: How has planning your day helped you to be more productive? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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