Colter Reed

Talk to the Duck

One of the most useful programming techniques I’ve picked up is called Rubber Duck Debugging. They definitely didn’t cover this when I was in college.

How many times have you ever discussed a problem with someone else, only to have this inscrutable problem become blindingly clear mid-sentence? The person listening doesn’t even need to understand what’s going on. There’s something about just talking the problem through that helps us gain new insights and understanidng.

This is the principle behind Rubber Duck Debugging. It involves discussing the problem with—yes—a little yellow rubber duck. It can help you sort out all kinds of problems, not just code-related.

Never debugged with a rubber duck? Here’s how.

Eventually, you’ll get to a question the duck can’t answer, and you’ll need to hash things out with a real person. You’ll need people around you who know things you don’t, who approach problems differently than you do, and who have different opinions and worldviews than you do. Build those relationships before you need them.

When someone comes to you for help or advice, you don’t need to have all the answers. They may just need someone to listen while they think things through. Help them find the questions they haven’t asked. If you have advice or insight to offer, that’s wonderful, but they may just need someone to make the journey of discovery with them. Someone who can help them realize what they already know. Someone as wise as a duck.

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