Colter Reed

The Best (and Worst) Gear to Keep In Your Car

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / Syda Productions

When I was in college, I had to spend the night in my car. In the mountains. In the snow. I even got to play host.

A couple of us had gone into the mountains for the day, intending it to be a day trip. Except I pulled just a little too far off the road, and we got stuck.

If you got stranded where you are now (if you’re at home, think of the last place you were out running errands), could you survive the night?

Not every scenario is going to be life-or-death. The equipment you have in your car can make the difference between a minor inconvience, a major nuisance, or taking the unexpected completely in stride. It’s the third level of your everyday carry.

What should you keep in your car?

Cold-Weather Climates

If you live in an area that gets cold weather, there are a few more things you’ll want to pack:

If you can get into your trunk from the cabin, know how to do it. You could save yourself a cold, snowy trip.

What shouldn’t you keep in your car?

We survived the night, even if it wasn’t comfortable. Shortly before dawn, some snowmobilers were able to pull us onto dry ground using their pickup truck and my tow strap. We got home tired, cold, and hungry, but we got home.

No matter what else you have in your trunk, get a trunk organizer. It keeps everything from becoming a mess as it slides around, so you can still use your trunk for day-to-day life. The most useful equipment won’t help you if you can’t find it.

Question: What’s the most useful gear you’ve carried in your car? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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