Colter Reed

The Secret to a Productive Monday

Photo courtesy of ©iStockphoto/PeerCreative

Mondays have a bad rap. Even when we love our work, we tend to dread Mondays, and not just because the weekend is over and you have to put the golf clubs back in the garage.

For most of us, Mondays are filled with a fog. We may experience a burst of productivity as we wrap up last week’s unfinished tasks, but it’s short-lived. We hold meetings to discuss plans for the week which we haven’t planned yet. We stand around the water cooler discussing what we did over the weekend, but we can’t remember what we did on Friday. By the time we have our heads wrapped around what we need to do for the week, it’s mid-afternoon, and we’re starting the week with productivity debt.

The secret to a productive Monday begins on Friday. Don’t end the week until you have a plan for how to start the next one.

It’s easy to get caught up in a race against the Friday afternoon clock, trying to finish everything for the week. Don’t forget planning. Setting aside even 20 minutes at the end of the day to wrap things up and prepare for Monday will help you reduce your stress on both sides of the weekend. Starting the week with a clear plan will help take the pressure off of Friday afternoon.

Leave the office with a clear conscience, enjoy the greens, and have a smooth start on Monday.

Question: How do you get Monday off to a great start? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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