Colter Reed

Turn Readers into Visitors with Short URLs

Photo © 2014 Colter Reed

Recently, I saw a printed flyer with the following call to action:

For more information or to sign up, please visit

I’ll be surprised if they had more visitors than you can count on one hand. It’s not easy to type that URL in correctly, and most people won’t even try. How do you get people to actually visit your site? Use a URL shortener.

What is a URL shortener?

URL shorteners take a long URL, like:…etc

and shrink them:

When should you use a URL shortener?

You should use a URL shortener if:

Public URL Shorteners

The two easiest services to use are and

To shorten a URL with, go to Paste your long URL into the large text field and click “Shorten Link”. The short URL will appear on the right, ready for you to copy.

To shorten a URL with, go to Click on “Paste a link here…” (at the top, next to the puffer fish) and paste the long URL. If you create an account with (optional), you can get URLs, shaving two characters off each URL.

Custom Services

It’s also possible to set up a custom URL shortener to create short URLs using a domain of your choosing. This provides readers with a branded URL that stands out—you immediately know where the link came from and/or where the link goes. Some examples include YouTube (, iTunes (, The New York Times (, and National Public Radio (

If you’re interested in setting up your own shortening service, check out the following resources:

Question: What advice would you give someone on when and how to shorten a URL? What about when not to shorten a URL? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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