Colter Reed

Why You Should Write Down What You Need to Do

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A few weeks ago, I took one step down one of productivity’s slippery slopes: not writing down what I needed to do.

It started innocently enough. One task. It was important, so I was going to take care of right then. About an hour, then I’d be back to the list.

Before I knew it, it was Saturday. I hadn’t look at OmniFocus all week. One ad hoc task after another had crept in, and I’d spent the entire week keeping track of what I was doing in my head. I’d gotten a lot done, but very little of it was the stuff that I needed to get done that week. And I still had a dozen things to do before I could even back to what I was supposed to do.

There was only one thing to do: what I should have been doing all long.

Why do you need to write down everything you need to do?

A written task list doesn’t have to be pencil and paper, though that’s still the most powerful system I’ve ever used. Most days, OmniFocus keeps track of where I’m going and Evernote can tell me where I’ve been.

The next time you’re getting stressed over everything you have to do, write it all down. Get it out of your head and into your trusted system. Take a step back. Plan your attack. Take a deep breath. Then work your way through the list one step at a time. You’ve got this.

Question: What’s your favorite technique, tool, or tip for capturing everything you need to do as it comes in? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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