Colter Reed

5 Reasons You Need Progress, Not Perfection

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / Brian Jackson

One of the greatest enemies of productivity is perfectionism, not procrastination. (Procrastination can be a good thing if you do it right.)

Perfectionism hits us in two ways:

  1. We’re afraid to get started.
  2. We’re afraid to finish.

Great one-two punch, no? Perfectionism gets you both ways. We’re afraid to start because we don’t want to make mistakes. We’re afraid to finish because it’s not perfect yet.

The point of being productive isn’t to be perfect. There is no right time to start; there is only now. There is no perfect outcome; once it’s good enough you’re wasting your time. Waiting for everything to be perfect before we move (or move on) is a guaranteed way to set yourself up to fail. If you want to start a change, you do just that: you start.

Why is getting started so important?

Stay focused on what you’re trying to accomplish. Take a step towards that end. If it’s good enough for now, set it aside and do something else. During your next review (probably daily or weekly), reassess what you’ve accomplished and what you’re trying to achieve. Do you still want that outcome? Do you need to update the end you have in mind? Have you found an easier way to get there? Take another step in that direction. Repeat.

One of two things will happen:

  1. You’ll do the thing you set out to do. Mission accomplished! Time to celebrate! Or,
  2. You’ll decide you’ve gone far enough down that path, it’s not worth your time to go any further, and your time will be better spent doing something else. You just identified something good you can give up to get something better. That’s a huge decision! Time to celebrate!

You know what won’t happen? You won’t get stuck at the beginning, wishing instead of working. You’re going to get out there and make things happen. You’re going to look back and see how far you’ve come. You’re going to live your dream while others are still dreaming.

Whenever you feel yourself starting to wait for perfection, stop waiting. Do something that moves you in the right direction. It can be a small step. That’s perfectly fine. You’re looking for progress, not perfection.

Question: What can you call “good enough” today so you can move on to something else? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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