Our behavior is shaped by our beliefs about how the world works. The Reality Model helps us see the connection.

Our behavior is shaped by our beliefs about how the world works. The Reality Model helps us see the connection.
Think of yourself as three people in one. Your Past Self is who you used to be. Every action you have taken is in the past. Your Future Self is who you want to become. You have hopes, dreams, and ambitions for the life your Future Self is going to live. Your Present...
Your Present Self—who you are today—is the culmination of every action you have ever taken. Brick by brick, your Past Self has built your life through the actions you’ve taken. Every habit, every memory, and every personality quirk is because of these past actions....
What we do depends on how we feel about what we know. We cannot learn something or change how we feel about something without changing our behavior.
No matter how bad the past was, there’s nothing you can do to change it. What you can do is change how you perceive your past, which changes everything.
Regret anchors you to the past. It robs you of your joy in living in the present and makes you give up on the future.
A confused response will make any scenario worse. Here’s how the Crew Resource Management method gives you a four-step framework to avert disaster through clear communication.
If we have too many options, we get overwhelmed and can’t reach a decision. Here’s how to overcome the overload.
Everyone is an example of what we should emulate or avoid. Will their influence drag us down or help us be our best?
Our brains have a natural fight-or-flight response designed to keep us alive. Sometimes it kicks in when it shouldn’t. Here’s how to reset your response.
Nature abhors a vacuum. If you take something away, something else has to move in to take its place. Nature also doesn’t like two things occupying the same place at the same time. In order for something to come in, whatever is currently there has to move out. It...
You have a destination you’re working towards. If you consistently make decisions that take you in the right direction, you’ll get there.