How to Choose Better: One Small Change at a Time
Our brains excel at coming up with shortcuts. They have to. We’re exposed to too much information and too many choices to process everything. Habits are one shortcut we take. We train—intentionally or not—our basal ganglia that when a certain condition is met, we take...

Are Your Habits Easy Enough to Help You Succeed?
The bottle on the left is mouthwash. So is the bottle on the right. The difference is that the bottle on the left tastes like it’s trying to kill me. I’m trying to use mouthwash more consistently. Whenever it’s time to rinse, all I can think of is the impending flavor...

Is What You Really Need to Do Really on Your Task List?
When you catch yourself keeping a second, mental list of what you “really” need to do, that’s a sign you don’t trust your plan for the day. Red alert!

Are You Always Putting What’s Urgent Before What’s Wildly Important?
Are you stuck putting off an important project because a horde of urgent tasks keep jumping the queue? You really want to work on that project—it would make such a difference—but when you sit down to work on it, there’s other stuff you need to do first. Other stuff...

Will You Lose Everything with an Erasable Pen?
An erasable pen is flexible and professional. If you accidentally erase your entire planner, here’s how you can get it back.

How to Change Behavior with The Reality Model
Our behavior is shaped by our beliefs about how the world works. The Reality Model helps us see the connection.

How to Organize Your Thoughts with a Mind Map
A mind map helps you organize your thoughts and find gaps in your understanding.

How to Go From an Awkward Past to Your Dream Life
Think of yourself as three people in one. Your Past Self is who you used to be. Every action you have taken is in the past. Your Future Self is who you want to become. You have hopes, dreams, and ambitions for the life your Future Self is going to live. Your Present...

Write It Down and Forget About Forgetting It
We can’t remember everything we need to do, nor do we need to. Your trusted system has dedicated space for everything you need.

Will Your Ideas Become Memories or Regrets?
Your Present Self—who you are today—is the culmination of every action you have ever taken. Brick by brick, your Past Self has built your life through the actions you’ve taken. Every habit, every memory, and every personality quirk is because of these past actions....