Colter Reed

5 Times You Need to Push Pause

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / Sergey Nivens

When my children are watching a movie and we need them to take care of something outside of the room, they have one request: pause it.

It’s a fair request—they don’t want to miss Elsa building her snow castle. They know the words better than Idina Menzel, but they’re still as engaged as the first time they watched it.

I’m not sure this is something we ever really outgrow. We like results. We like progress. We like setting up goals and projects and ticking off little boxes and relish that sense of satisfaction at the end. Ah, dopamine!

Being productive is good. It’s how we create value. But there are times where we need to step back and push pause so we can take care of something else.

Each time you step back to push pause, it’s a good time to think one level higher. Between pomodoros, make sure you’re still focused on the right use of your time. At the end or beginning of your day, create a plan for the day. Over the weekend, plan your week. Over the holidays, set goals for the coming year. For bonus points, set aside time for a retreat to develop a five-year plan, draft a personal mission statement, or clarify your core values.

There’s one more time where it’s good to push pause:

Being productive is fun. It feels great to check off tasks, achieve goals, and make progress. But we can’t just push, push, push and expect to get more done. There is a cadence to work. We will get more done if we work with that cadence.

The next time you need to go take care of something else, push pause! It’s okay! It’s even expected. What you were doing will be right there waiting for you when you get back. If you decide that it wasn’t the best use of your time and now you‘re going to do something else, that’s fine, too.

Question: When did you last push pause? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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