Colter Reed

8 Ways to Increase Productivity in the Shower

Photo courtesy of @iStockphoto/jekccs

Whether you take a 2-minute shower or turn the bathtub into a luxurious home spa, the shower presents an interesting productivity situation. Your primary task is to get clean. Once you start your shower routine, however, your mind will start to turn elsewhere.

Maybe you get bored, mentally tapping your foot until you’re done. Maybe inspiration strikes, but your trusted Moleskine notebook is on your desk. Neither of these represents an effective use of your time, even though you’re still accomplishing one of your critical tasks for the day. You can do better.

Here are eight suggestions for how you can supercharge your time in the shower to get a productive start to your day.

One final word of advice: know how much hot water you have. An unexpected blast of cold water can quickly divert your attention. If inspiration strikes, you might need to turn off the water as you scribble your magnum opus in crayon on the shower wall.

Question: How do you use your time in the shower effectively? This is a family-friendly blog, so remember to keep it clean! Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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