Colter Reed

Crab Buckets and 4 Other Things to Overcome


If you put one crab into a bucket, it will climb out. If you put several crabs into a bucket, they’ll stay put. Once one crab starts to climb, the others will pull it back down. It’s a bizarre form of if-I-can’t-do-it-neither-can-you.

When was the last time you sat down and watched children play? Isn’t it magical? A towel becomes a cape. With a stick in our hand, we’re a mighty swashbuckler. An empty box is a race car, a spaceship, and a secret lair. Nothing can stop our quest to rule the world, save the world, or tame the high seas.

Then at some point, we “grow up”. We start to listen to the crabs telling us it’s just a towel, just a stick, just a box.

Those crabs are just one of the things you need to overcome to be awesome.

There are others, of course. If you overcome these, you’re off to a (very) good start.

When you identify a crab in your life, work with them to change their behavior. Show them the door if they won’t change.

Surround yourself with cheerleaders and a good pit crew—people who will encourage you and help you succeed. Do the same for others. The more you help others succeed, the faster you will find success yourself.

Question: What stands between you and ruling the world? How are you going to overcome it? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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