Colter Reed

How to Find That Email Again When You Need It

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / Sergey Nivens

The most common reason I hear for why people leave email in their inbox is because they’re afraid they’ll lose track of it and won’t be able to find it again.

The best way to address this is to process the email when it comes in and turn it into what it is: a task, an appointment, reference material, or contact information. Then you don’t need to find the email again because you’ve placed the information where you’ll need it.

But foresight isn’t 20/20 like hindsight is. We may need to refer back to a specific email or an ongoing thread. Letting messages pile up in your inbox isn’t the solution—you’ll just end up with a disorganized pile of messages to rummage through every time you need something.

It’s not hard to find your way back to an email when you need it later. Here are 5 techniques to quickly get the information you need.

Keep your inbox clean. You’ll have less stress, knowing that every email that’s come in has been dealt with. Nothing’s going to slip through the cracks.

When you need an email again, you’ll find it.

Question: What did I miss? How do you find the emails you need later on? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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