Colter Reed

How to Regain your Composure and Calm Down Quickly

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock/VadimGuzhva

The easiest way to regain your calm is to not lose your temper in the first place, of course. Sadly, we don’t always do this, no matter how much we want to. It’s not a question of if we’re going to lose our temper, but when.

When you do fly off the handle, the next best thing you can do is to regain your composure and calm down as quickly as you can. Here are five exercises you can use to get back in control.

Each of these exercises helps you create a separation between stimulus and response. The wider this separation is, the easier it is for you to choose how you respond.

The one thing you shouldn’t do is deny what you’re feeling. You’re not a bad person for getting upset. Emotions are part of being human. You just want to make sure that an uncontrolled negative response to a situation doesn’t create a lasting consequence that you’ll have to deal with later.

There is a biological component to your negative response, but your brain has the final say. Sometimes, you just need a little help reframing the problem. Don’t tell yourself you can’t control your behavior lest you start to believe yourself.

You may need to mend a fence, but the sooner you calm down, the less fence you’ll need to mend. You’ll feel better and you’ll be more productive. So will everyone around you.

Question: What’s your favorite way to calm down? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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