Colter Reed

How To Turn Your Weaknesses Into Strengths

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / Sergey

Some things we’re good at. Really good. Some things, we’re not so good at yet. We’re working on it.

In StrengthsFinder 2.0, Tom Rath presents 34 different strengths and presents an approach that most of us find counterintuitive: the best way to get better is to build on your strengths and not worry about your weaknesses.

He’s not wrong. There is one thing to be careful of, though.

If we only focus on developing our strengths—getting better at something we’re already good at—we might become unbalanced. There are a few ways this usually manifests:

Our strengths are good. We can’t (and shouldn’t) ignore them.

We should develop our strengths, but not just our strengths. Sometimes, we need to learn new things. We need to develop our weaknesses into strengths.

I want to duel him left-handed. It’s the only way I can be satisfied. If I use my right, it’s over too quickly.
Inigo Montoya

If you have to dial down one strength to develop another, don’t leave it dialed down. As you develop the other strength, it’s okay to dial it back up. Being a 12 in Courage is great if you’re also a 12 in Consideration.

Don’t ignore your strengths. Let them stand out. Use them to pull your weaknesses up into strengths.

It’s not easy to face your weaknesses, whether it’s an underdeveloped skill or an overplayed strength. It takes humility to admit that you’re not good at something and stick with it. It’s a lot easier to ignore it.

Question: What strength and weakness could you work on balancing? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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