Colter Reed

Survey a Large Field, Cultivate a Small One

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / flownaksala

There is an old saying, “Survey a large field, cultivate a small one.” Like many aphorisms, we don’t know who originally said it, nor the specific context. That’s also part of its strength.

Rules can be applied only in a very specific, narrow context. Principles, on the other hand, have broad application. It’s the difference between the letter of the law and the spirit of the law—when you understand the spirit, you can usually apply the letter pretty accurately, and with less memorization. It just takes judgement.

I don’t work on a farm. You probably don’t, either. But there are principles in this saying that we can apply in our daily lives. It’s just as relevant to us as it was our agrarian forefathers.

When you learn rules, you have a lot to memorize and you still won’t cover every situation. When you learn principles, you’re prepared for anything.

Question: What other principles can you distill from this saying? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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