Colter Reed

Time Really Is Money When It’s Time to Budget

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock / Natalia Merzlyakova

A budget is what happens when you tell your money where to go instead of wondering where it went. At the beginning of the month, you create a written plan for your spending. The month won’t go exactly as planned, and you’ll need to make some adjustments, but a detailed, written budget is one of the best indicators of whether your net worth is going to up or down.

You don’t just need a budget for your money, you need a plan for how you’re going to spend your time. The good news is that temporal budgeting is a lot like financial budgeting. If you know how to budget your money, you already know how to budget your time.

Your temporal budget is a zero-based budget. You have 168 hours to spend and you will spend 168 hours, no more, no less. At the end of the week, the balance on every envelope will be back to zero.

That’s not to say you can’t run up a deficit. If you regularly steal from one envelope to cover another, it will catch up with you. Work will pile up. You’ll drain a relationship and need to build it back up. Your health will decline until what could have been Quadrant 2 maintenance is now a Quadrant 1 crisis. You’ll need to budget time to pay off these temporal debts, and doing so needs to be a priority.

You can also work to get ahead. By spending the time to eliminate, delegate, and automate everything you can, you’ll start freeing up more time in your schedule.

You have 168 hours each week. How are you going to spend them? Without a written plan for your hours, they’re going to slip through your fingers. With a written plan, you’ll experience the freedom to spend time on the people and activities that mean the most to you.

Question: How do you budget your time? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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