Colter Reed

Two Types of Goals in Your Toolbox

Photo courtesy of @ Adobe Stock/butter45

Goals are a staple of the high-achiever’s diet.

They help us chart our progress. They hold us accountable.

There are two types of goals you can set. Both are valid. Which type you choose depends on what you’re trying to achieve.

Outcome goals describe a specific result you want to achieve. You’ve probably heard of the SMART criteria for writing good goals. The criteria can vary, depending on who you’re talking to. Personally, I like taking them a step further with SMARTER goals:

Habit goals describe an ongoing activity or process. Habit goals don’t have a deadline to them—they’re indefinite.

There is a lot of flexibility in whether you should set an outcome goal or a habit goal.

Both types of goals can help you achieve the results you want. Design the life you want, then make it happen. One goal at a time.

Question: Which type of goals are the most effective for you? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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