Colter Reed

5 Reasons Why You Should Get Above the Clouds

Photo courtesy of © Adobe Stock/peshkov

A few years ago, my wife and I went to Monday Night Football in Denver. When we got off the plane, it was quite pleasant for late November—sunny and 72°. We had a great time at the game. Yes, the Broncos won.

When we left the hotel in the morning, it was 10°. An Arctic air mass had slid down the Great Plains overnight, sending temperatures plummeting and bringing a dreary layer of clouds with it.

These Arctic air masses bring an interesting phenomenon with them. The air is so cold and dense that it slides in and pushes warm air up. All the clouds are at this layer between the cold air below and the warmer air above. It happens every time.

As we drove up to Wyoming, we reached the point where we drove up out of the cold and back into the warm sunshine. Over the course of a few miles—a few hundred feet in elevation—the day changed completely. All because we got above the clouds.

You’ve had days like that. One day, everything’s great. The next, the clouds roll in and the temperatures drop. You can’t think straight. You can’t get any traction. You push forward, but nothing you do seems to get the results you want. Eventually, you fall into bed, exhausted, hoping that tomorrow will go better.

The weather may be outside of our control, but we can control how the weather affects us. We choose how we respond.

If you can learn to keep your head above the clouds, you’re going to have more sunny days.

There will always be storms in our lives, and the clouds will roll in. Even on the darkest days, the sun is still there. It shines whether you can see it or not. It feels good to turn up your collar and complain about the cold sometimes, but I’d rather just get up above the clouds.

Question: How do you get above the clouds? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.

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