Ever finish the day with more to do than when you started? Here are five tips for protecting the big rocks on your schedule from the gravel that comes in.

Ever finish the day with more to do than when you started? Here are five tips for protecting the big rocks on your schedule from the gravel that comes in.
There’s no point to archiving information if you can’t find it again. Evernote can help you save what’s important and find it again when you need it.
Paper bills can fall through the cracks if they don’t make it into your paperless system. Here’s how to track bills that need paid using Evernote.
OmniFocus for Apple Watch is the most focused, tactical version of OmniFocus yet. Get things done without taking your phone out of your pocket.
What’s important needs to stand out. Don’t let things that are unimportant pull you down.
One of the most useful programming techniques I’ve picked up is one they definitely didn’t cover in college. It can help you sort out all kinds of problems.
Productivity is about doing less of what you have to do so you can do more of what you love. Here are five ways our choices can get in the way of that, creating more “debts” we need to pay off first.
Don’t waste time constantly checking email “just in case” you got an important message. Your email client can help.
Here are some times you definitely should not be checking email. You can start breaking free of your email addiction here.
Are you focusing on what you want to do? Or what you want to get done? Focusing on results gives you greater flexibility in how you get things done.
The secret to a productive Monday begins on Friday. Don’t end the week until you have a plan for how to start the next one.
Your task list and calendar are an important part of your digital planning system. Keeping a log of what you actually do provides valuable feedback to help you get better at getting things done.