Email can help you get work done, or it can get in the way. Here are five tips to get through your email quickly and get on with your day.

Email can help you get work done, or it can get in the way. Here are five tips to get through your email quickly and get on with your day.
A plan will never work out the way it was designed, but you’ll get there. Without a plan, you’re going to be lost at the first interruption.
Any space you leave open in your schedule will naturally and automatically fill with gravel. The key to being productive is to fill your bucket with big rocks before it fills up with gravel.
Apple’s voice-activated assistant can schedule appointments, take a note, and add tasks to OmniFocus. Here’s how to set it up.
Everything we do can be put into one of four quadrants on a grid, depending on its importance and urgency. Keeping this model in mind helps keep your attention on the most important things in your life.
With a little bit of AppleScript, you can create unique repeating tasks in OmniFocus that you can tell apart.
Van Halen was famous for banning brown M&Ms from the dressing room. It wasn’t eccentric; it was a brilliant idea.
Getting up early is great, but it only works if you get to bed early, too. Here are my favorite ways to wind down and call it a day.
Once you get going, the momentum of getting things done can help you keep going. The hard part is getting started in the first place.
Use custom perspectives in OmniFocus to track all of the errands you need to run and follow up with tasks you’ve delegated to someone else.
How to use the deferred date in OmniFocus to schedule tasks for a specific day, week, or month.
An OmniFocus perspective that will help you focus on the tasks you’ve selected to work on, without missing approaching deadlines.