If you’re having trouble getting started on a task, look for the smallest action you can take to break the ice. Working on a project gets easier once it’s been started.

If you’re having trouble getting started on a task, look for the smallest action you can take to break the ice. Working on a project gets easier once it’s been started.
We need our planner to track some combination of tasks, appointments, and notes. Here’s a look at some common planner layouts to suit different needs.
One of the best things you can do to free up your schedule and protect your margin is to acknowledge that there are some things you are simply not going to do today.
The golf swing is a miraculous feat. There are so many variables, it’s a minor miracle that it ever comes together. There’s so much to think about. How you hold the club. Where you stand relative to the club. Path of the club in the backswing. Where the backswing...
Try to do something else while you wait. Anything else. It’s one of the few opportunities we have to truly multitask.
Folders is one way to organize apps on your iOS home screen. Shortcuts give you a way to organize tasks on your home screen.
A Someday/Maybe list is a place to store ideas until their time has come (or not).
Here’s a script to create a new OmniFocus project using OmniJS. Feel free to use it as a starting point for your own scripts.
TaskPaper is a great format for copying and pasting tasks and projects between OmniFocus and other apps. You can also use it with Shortcuts to create dynamic projects on iOS. I’ve been scripting OmniFocus for years now. It lets me add my own features to OmniFocus. But...
Here’s how to send a push notification to your iPhone from the Terminal in macOS. Instead of waiting for a long job to finish, let your Mac notify you.
Having trouble with procrastination? Try putting just that task on your list—just that one—until after you’ve finished it.
Moving from the corporate office to a home office can be difficult. Here are some tips to make a successful transition.