Automation saves time, but it takes time, too. Here’s how to make the time to get started.

Automation saves time, but it takes time, too. Here’s how to make the time to get started.
It frequently takes me several days to work through a daily plan. Is that really such a bad thing?
If we aren’t careful, our quest to get more done will keep us from getting anything meaningful done.
Most coworkers want to be respectful of your time and not disturb you when you’re in the middle of something. Office Hours can send a signal that it’s an especially good time to interrupt you.
If your tasks go through multiple stages from start to finish, it might be worth setting up a kanban board to track them as they progress.
There are four basic blocks of time you can put on your calendar. How you arrange them is up to you.
CarPlay lets you use your iPhone’s key functions safely behind the wheel. Here are the third-party apps I would use while driving if I could.
iOS has a great keyboard. You may be able to find one that better suits your workflow.
Here are a couple of Workflow scripts to fill out Curt Clifton’s project templates on iOS.
Workflow lets you create custom projects in OmniFocus for iOS. Just a few taps and you’re ready to get things done!
A common reason for leaving email in your inbox is a fear you’ll never see it again. Here’s how to get rid of the clutter without losing the info.
When everything’s important, nothing is. Here are 10 questions you can ask to see which tasks are more important so you can start there.