Colter Reed

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You know the struggle.

I feel there’s so much more I could be doing. I look at other guys my age, and they have their act together so much more than me. They’re getting promoted at work, and I’m stuck where I am. They get up and hit the gym before work, and I barely make it to work on time. … I feel like I could do so much more if I could just get my act together!

My second biggest problem is the same as the first, basically. Not only are there not enough hours in the day, I want to fit more in. I already don’t have enough time to do everything I want, and I want to do more!

I don’t say no enough. There just isn’t enough time to get all the real work done in between the meetings and other time commitments.

We all want a better future. We want tomorrow to be better than today. But we’re still trying to catch up with yesterday. We never get a chance to get ahead.

Does This Sound Familiar?

Ask yourself:

  • Am I trying to do so much that I can’t keep track of it all?
  • Am I constantly putting out fires instead of doing what I planned?
  • Do I have trouble sorting through the noise of the urgent to stay focused on the things that will make a difference at the end of the day?
  • Am I putting off the things I want to do because the things others want me to do take up too much of my time?
  • Do I even know what I want to be doing this time next year? In five years? Ten?

If so, you’re not alone. We all feel this way. More often than we want to admit.

I Know How You Feel

Technology was supposed to make our lives easier. The sad reality is we’re now busier than ever. We’re constantly connected. Anyone can grab our attention any time. We are exposed to more information in a day than our parents were exposed to in a year, and more than our grandparents were exposed to in their entire life.

We spend so much time running around putting out fires that we never stop to ask ourselves one important question:

Why are so many fires starting in the first place?

I don’t have all the answers. I’m no guru sitting on a mountaintop. I’m down in the thick of it every day, just like you are. I make mistakes. I have bills to pay, I get to bed later than I want, and I’m trying hard to be the man my kids think I am.

I don’t have all the answers, but I’m happy to share the ones I have. I’ve made enough mistakes (and watched others make more) that I’m starting to get an idea of what works and what doesn’t.

Why I Write

I write for myself, to collect and organize my thoughts. I write for a younger me, a man half my age who is on the other side of those mistakes. I write for you, because if I can share something I’ve learned and it means you make it home in time for dinner with your kids, I just helped you win.

I write for aspiring achievers, who are trying to get done all the things they have to do so they can focus more of their time and attention on the things that matter most to them.

I write about personal growth and productivity. They’re two sides of the same coin. Personal productivity is how to get more down in the short-term. It’s tactical and focused. It’s how you solve today’s problems. Personal growth takes a step back and looks at the big picture. It’s strategic thinking. It’s what you’re going to do differently so that you’re not solving the same problems again tomorrow.

My Most Popular Posts

If you are new to my site, you might want to start with my most popular posts. Here are my top three in each category:

Personal Growth




You can also check the archives for a list of every post I have written or use the search function in the sidebar to find other posts that might be of interest.

What People Are Saying

Bite-sized, actionable info that you can directly apply while using OmniFocus. … You’ll also discover a slew of practical productivity tips and tricks for GTD.

Colter provides a great mix of powerful, yet simple how-to articles that will help you accomplish more and thought-provoking quotes you probably haven’t seen before.

A wealth of info and excellent writing has made this site a “must add” to my RSS feed.

You have one of the coolest first names, ever. You should be a superhero.

Let’s Do This

You really can spend your time the way you want to, focusing on the things that matter most to you. It takes courage, consistency, and clarity, but it can be done.

I write one new post a week. If you want to make sure you catch my new posts, why not sign up for my email list? It’s fast, easy, and you can unsubscribe at any time. Best of all, I have a special gift for you when you sign up. (Click here for more information.)

I’m here to help you become the person you want to be. Let’s get started.

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