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From 9–5, I transform brilliant ideas into beautiful software. I see it as a way to help bring out the best in people by giving them tools to do things they otherwise couldn’t do. (Technology is great that way.) What you do with that newfound ability or the time it frees up is another question entirely, and one I want to help people answer someday.

Here, I wake sleeping giants. I teach techniques to solve short-term problems and long-term strategies to effect lasting change. Spend less time doing the things you have to do so you can spend more time doing the things you love.

Top Posts

If you are new to my site, you might want to start with my most popular posts. Here are my top three in each category:

Personal Growth




You can also check my blog’s archives for a list of every post I have written or use the search function in the sidebar to find other posts that might be of interest.

I wish you luck, love, and laughter. And if you’re the person from whom I first heard that trio: thanks.

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