Talk to the Duck

Talk to the Duck

One of the most useful programming techniques I’ve picked up is one they definitely didn’t cover in college. It can help you sort out all kinds of problems.

Keep Asking Why

Keep Asking Why

Keep asking questions until you understand what happened and how to influence it. It’s a management technique that three-year-olds have down pat.

5 Types of Productivity Debt

5 Types of Productivity Debt

Productivity is about doing less of what you have to do so you can do more of what you love. Here are five ways our choices can get in the way of that, creating more “debts” we need to pay off first.

Outcomes Lead to Actions

Outcomes Lead to Actions

Are you focusing on what you want to do? Or what you want to get done? Focusing on results gives you greater flexibility in how you get things done.

Why You Should Keep a Work Log

Why You Should Keep a Work Log

Your task list and calendar are an important part of your digital planning system. Keeping a log of what you actually do provides valuable feedback to help you get better at getting things done.

Over 90% of the email in your Inbox doesn’t belong there. Put it in its place with Sanebox.

Learn more.

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