The Right Task at the Wrong Time
Picking the right tasks is half the battle. You also need to work on them at the right time.

Five Email Addresses You Should Know
Can you send an email to remember something forever? Get things done? Read an article later? If you use any of these services, you should know these email addresses exist.

Are Imaginary Arguments Making You Miserable?
You have enough problems to deal with without making up new ones. Take a step back and consider why you’re doing it.

Four Apps for Capturing Paper with Your Phone
Here are four apps to help you digitize paper and get it into your productivity system, any time, any place. All it takes is the phone you have in your pocket.

Push Through the Fog
When you’re in the fog, it’s easier than ever to give up. Focus on why you’re doing it and push through.

A Year without Credit Cards
Part of sharpening the saw is a willingness to experiment and tinker with how you do things, figuring out what works and what works better. We stopped using credit cards to see what happened.

Removing Browser Tab Clutter
Having lots of open browser tabs makes it difficult to get anything done. Figure out why you have the page open, make sure you can get back to the information when you need it, and get productive online.

Linking to Mail Messages
Is your inbox full of emails you don’t want to lose track of? Link to the message from your digital planning system instead.

How to Enjoy the Second Half of the Super Bowl
Decisions can be hard to weigh in the moment. Here’s a simple exercise that will help you determine how a choice can help you reach the right outcome.

Are You Driving on a Flat Tire?
When one of our basic needs isn’t being met, it’s like trying to drive a car with a flat tire. Stop and take time to fix it.