Choose Your Response: End the Abuse
We have the ability, right, and responsibility to choose how we respond in any situation. Be an agent of change that transforms your family for generations.
Create OmniFocus Project Templates with AppleScript
With a little bit of AppleScript, you can create unique repeating tasks in OmniFocus that you can tell apart.
The Genius of Banishing Brown M&Ms
Van Halen was famous for banning brown M&Ms from the dressing room. It wasn’t eccentric; it was a brilliant idea.
10 Tips for Going to Bed Earlier
Getting up early is great, but it only works if you get to bed early, too. Here are my favorite ways to wind down and call it a day.
Inertia Can Help You Stay Productive
Once you get going, the momentum of getting things done can help you keep going. The hard part is getting started in the first place.
Batching Errands and Keeping Others on Track with OmniFocus
Use custom perspectives in OmniFocus to track all of the errands you need to run and follow up with tasks you’ve delegated to someone else.
Scheduling Tasks in OmniFocus
How to use the deferred date in OmniFocus to schedule tasks for a specific day, week, or month.
Today: A Due + Flagged Perspective for OmniFocus
An OmniFocus perspective that will help you focus on the tasks you’ve selected to work on, without missing approaching deadlines.
Be the Dragon Warrior
How do you overcome your doubts and fears to reach your goals? These six principles will help you become the Dragon Warrior at work, at home, and at life.