“Focus” is almost synonymous with productivity, but distraction will help you do some of your best work.

“Focus” is almost synonymous with productivity, but distraction will help you do some of your best work.
One of Ronald Reagan’s favorite jokes speaks volumes about how our expectations influence our experiences.
If you had a friend who told you they’d be there to help you move on Saturday then didn’t show up, how would you feel? Once, fine. Things happen. Every time? You’re not going to trust them any more. They’ve overdrawn the account. They might be there for the good...
Everyone can bring something to the table. Your job is to help everyone make the greatest contribution they can.
Do you give everyone else first claim on your time? You’re setting yourself up for failure and frustration. Claim your time first and you’ll be in a better position to help others.
Life is one shot after another. Sometimes you can’t find your ball; sometimes you look like you know what you’re doing. Play on.
It’s in every preflight safety training, even the epic ones: “Put on your own oxygen mask before helping someone else with theirs.” On his Smarter Every Day YouTube channel, Destin Sandlin induced hypoxia in himself—under the close supervision of professionals,...
Life storms are going to come. You can deal with them as they happen, or you can deal with them on your terms.
No matter how reactive your job description is, there are always ways you can be more proactive at work.
Every now and then, things creep into our schedules that don’t belong there. Like Michelangelo, we need to remove the bits that don’t look like our masterpiece.
All leaders need a vision for their team, not just at work. Here are six ways your family will struggle, too, if you don’t have a vision.
It’s hard (if not impossible) to see the progress we’re making if we only look at a snapshot. We need to compare snapshots over time to spot the difference.