The Evernote mobile app makes scanning business cards quick, fun, and beautiful. Here’s how you do it.

The Evernote mobile app makes scanning business cards quick, fun, and beautiful. Here’s how you do it.
Tasks and projects both represent a desired outcome. Which you use depends on how detailed you need to be.
Procrastinating makes you miserable because whatever you’re putting off is hanging over you. Get it done and enjoy yourself guilt-free.
Create notes in Evernote to support your OmniFocus projects. Here’s how to set them up for a seamless experience.
Evernote is a great tool for personal productivity. Here’s how you can use it to complete your system.
Clutter on your computer desktop can hurt your productivity as much as clutter on your physical desktop. Here’s why and how to clean it up.
Do you feel guilty if you don’t do a task once you put it on your list? Here’s one word that can help.
Do you send the same email over and over? Here’s how you can save time and energy by using Automator to create an email template.
Roles are a powerful planning tool to make sure your life is heading the direction you want. Here’s how to use Roles in OmniFocus.
Trying to get “one more thing” done before you go home can pay short-term dividends with a long-term cost. Here are some tips to call it a day and come back tomorrow.
Here’s how you can use Do Not Disturb on your iPhone to get more done during the day and sleep better at night.
Productivity and organization go hand in hand. A good scanner will help you organize your paper documents, so you can spend more time doing and relaxing, and less time hunting and worrying. Here are the four scanners I use (though I could probably get by with two).