It’s one of the most common skills listed in job descriptions, but no one is good at it.

It’s one of the most common skills listed in job descriptions, but no one is good at it.
I often find myself needing to come back to a page later. I used to just leave the page open in another tab, but that can quickly get out of hand. Then I tried adding the pages to Pocket, but they would get lost with the articles I just wanted to read later. I wanted...
Try taking on too much, and you won’t get anything done. Here are five ways to increase your productivity by doing less.
Email in your inbox could be anything. Get rid of the uncertainty by getting it out of your inbox and into your planning system, where you can track it for what it is.
Taking a shower should be one of your critical tasks for the day. Here are eight tips for keeping your productivity up when the water’s on.
Forgetting is good as long as you remember at the right time. Here are eight tips to free up your brain until it’s time to get things done.
My goal is to forget about everything I have to do as soon as I learn I need to do it. It’s an ambitious goal. Audacious, even. I work hard at it. You should, too.
Even if you can’t define all the tasks in a project up front, there are still benefits to knowing at least the next action to take.
Before you worry about making it perfect, ask yourself if that’s the best use of your time. It probably isn’t.
Putting your calendar on the desktop is a useful and unobtrusive way of staying on top of your schedule.
Sometimes the best thing you can do to increase your productivity is also the simplest.
Focus on what you’re doing now, but know what you’re doing next. You’ll be much more productive if you can keep the context of the day in mind.