The holidays are a time to relax and spend time with family. We risk the unpredictable nature of winter travel (and cold and flu season), clear our schedules, and take time off from work.
I’m taking the week off this week. Instead of a new post, here’s a look back at the top six posts you might have missed this year. They’re the most-read, most-shared, and most-loved posts of 2016.
Grab a warm beverage and a warm blanket and curl up with the smartphone or tablet of your choice and enjoy.
In order of publication:
- Clean Out Your Jammed Inbox in 5 Quick Steps. Trying for Inbox Zero? Blasting through the backlog and getting back on top of things might be easier than you think!
- 3 Ways to Repeat a Task in OmniFocus. Confused by the different ways OmniFocus can repeat a task? Here are the different options, with pictures!
- What Does Your Week Look Like?. Are you navigating your week with a map or a GPS?
- Five Reasons You’ll Win Faster if You Slow Down. Life is a marathon. You can sprint at times, but slow and steady wins the race.
- How to Clear Your Desk and Mind with 43 Folders. Take any physical item and give it a time out until you’re ready to act on it.
- Six Ways Costco will Kill You or Make You a Better Person. Don’t let high-stress situations bring out the worst in you.
You can visit the archives for a full list of 2016 posts and resources.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. The blank canvas of 2016 is waiting for you.
Question: What was your favorite moment of 2016? Share your thoughts in the comments, on Twitter, LinkedIn, or Facebook.